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Eat Healthy

Healthy nutrition is part of every moment of our daily lives every time we make a choice. Decide what food comes into the home, what goes into the sandwich, or the family's dinner table.

Efsharibari in the Educational System 2022

A summary of the activities of the Efsharibari National Program for Active and Healthy Living in the educational system in 2022.

Eat Healthy

Tap Water – Clearly Healthy, Especially in the Summer

Drinking tap water in Israel is safe. It is crucial to drink more, especially when temperatures rise. How the water reaches our tap, why it is recommended to drink it, and more.

Growing Up Healthy: Healthy Diet During Adolescence

Healthy nutrition and physical exercise are not only vital for the healthy development of the adolescent mind and body, but they also provide tools for a healthier lifestyle.

Being Active

For any age, season, or time, we have gathered for you all the information to get you exercising and enjoy the health benefits of physical exercise.

Fresh, Healthy and Educational: Vegetable Gardens at Preschools

From garden to plate: the initiative for making healthier nutritional habits which is part of the routine at preschools. It’s possible at your preschool too!

Well Being

It is not just how active we are and what we eat – it is also the "how" and what we are doing and feeling during the day.

Children Eat Healthily: At Home, Preschool and School

Healthy Diet Education: In preschool and school, children not only learn writing, reading and social skills, but also establish dietary concepts and habits for life

About the National Program for an Active and Healthy Lifestyle – Efsharibari

With the Efsharibari program, the Ministries of Health, Education, and Culture and Sports are leading a joint effort in the national and local level to promote healthy nutrition and physical activity

Eat It: Healthy Nutrition Education in Schools

A new and unique program from the education and health ministries as part of the EfshariBari National Project: Nutrition Education as part of the school curriculum for all age groups

Efsharibari’s Bread Symbol – Make a Healthy Choice!

The shelves in retail chains are filled with many kinds of dark breads with names that give the impression of a healthy product, but not all are made of whole grain flour.

Healthy and Active Lifestyle in the Education System During Wartime

Recommendations and educational materials for physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, applicable to both in-person and remote learning settings, as well as for centers internally displaced people.

Healthy Nutrition According to the Weekly Torah Portions and the Holidays

The connection between the recommendations for healthy nutrition and the Torah values and the guidance of the Torah sages is presented through a collection of materials and an illustrated book.

Efsharibari Challenge: The Key to Change and Healthy Living

Efsharibari's new strategy: promoting healthy nutrition and physical activity – the intelligent use of screens, strengthening the might and coping with stress and smoking prevention

Eat Healthy

Why Fruit and Vegetables Should Be Part of Our Daily Diet?

Why is it important and particularly beneficial to include fruit and vegetables in our daily diet and how can we persuade children to like vegetables?